Whakamana te Waituna | Charitable Trust


Nicol Horrell

Nicol Horrell, Co-Chair

Chairman of Environment Southland since 2016, Nicol is a born and bred Southlander who has always been active and interested in his local community, farming, politics and the wider Southland region. As well as several Council committees, Nicol is a member of Southland’s Mayoral Forum, the Regional Sector Group, the OSPRI Stakeholder Council, the Great South Joint Committee, and is Chairman of Te Rōpu Taiao. He is a current member of the Tuatapere Lions Club and has had many other local community involvements over the years.

Gail Thompson

Gail Thompson, Co-Chair

Gail was born and raised in Bluff. She is actively involved with Te Rūnanga o Awarua and Te Rau Aroha Marae. Gail has represented Awarua in a range of forums, currently as the appointed representative, and has a particular interest in customary fisheries.She is Chair of Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust, a role she was appointed to in 2012.

Julie Keast

Cr Julie Keast

Julie is a Councillor at Southland District Council representing the Waihopai Toetoe Ward. She lives near Tokanui. Following her election in 2013, to gain insight into the Waituna Lagoon catchment concerns, Julie attended community engagements led by the Waituna Partners Group - the predecessor of Whakamana Te Waituna Trust.

John McCarroll

John McCarroll

John is Operations Manager – Murihiku | Pou Matarautaki at the Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai.

Robb Stevens - Fonterra

Dean Whaanga

Dean Whaanga

Ko Motu Pohue te maunga
Ko te Te Ara a Kiwa te moana
Ko Ngāi Tahu, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu ngā Iwi
Ko Te Rau Aroha te marae
Ko Tahu Pōtiki te tangata
Tihei Mauri ora
Dean Whaanga is the Kaiwhakahaere of Te Rūnanga o Awarua and Kaupapa Taiao Manager at Te Ao Mārama Inc. He was born and bred in Bluff and has a strong association with wetlands, especially Awarua and Waituna.

Being a member of the Whakamana te Waituna partners is an honour for him. He acknowledges the strength in partnership and is driven to ensure the outcomes of their work contribute to the cultural, environmental, social, and economic wellbeing of the catchment.

Maarten van-Rossum - Independent Trustee