Whakamana te Waituna | Charitable Trust

Waituna Workstreams

Whakamana te Waituna workstreams

The Trust has six workstreams, aligned to the Trust's charitable objectives, and there are a number of projects underway.

The main tributary, Waituna Creek, flowing into the Waituna Lagoon. Photo by Katrina Robertson

Rūnanga Reconnection

Supporting Te Rūnanga o Awarua reconnection to the Waituna whenua and their role as Kaitiaki by enhancing the habitats of key taonga species; by utilising traditional Māori knowledge and cultural health indicators and improving access to land for mahinga kai gathering and Rūnanga development.

Land Transition

Enhancing biodiversity and carbon sequestration via land repurposing, afforestation & wetland creation (also benefitting water quality).

Waterway Redesign

Flood mitigation, freshwater habitat improvement and sediment reduction through waterway redesign. Includes riparian planting, bank reshaping, two stage channel and instream habitat enhancement.

Improving Freshwater

Protecting and improving fresh water quality and the health of Waituna Lagoon by reducing contaminant losses (nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment) from farming by implementing farm system interventions and creating catchment scale wetlands.

Ducks on the lagoon. Photo by McNaughton family.

Local Community

Supporting a thriving local community by undertaking environmental projects and activities that promote the sustainable future of farming in the catchment.


Administration and operation of the Whakamana te Waituna Charitable Trust and projects, including operation of the Project Management Office, finance and auditing, and reporting.